How do I browse the books?

Launch the app you will be able to see the different categories, swipe left or right or browse the categories like Pets and Pals, Birds and Animals or Royal Tales and Legends etc. Tap to browse books under the category you wish. You can browse all the titles by swiping left or right, tap on any of the titles to get more details about the book or buy/preview it.

My device does not support this app?

Your device needs to be updated to latest version of ios (9.3.1) or android (Ice Cream Sandwich and above) to download the app.

What is ‘preview’ of the book?

Preview of book allows users to sample a few pages for FREE.

How to purchase a book?

When user selects a book on the app, there will be a pop-up message displayed on the screen which will allow you to buy the selected story, alternatively if you are viewing the preview you will get pop-up message after certain pages for ‘buying’ options.

Where can I see my purchased/downloaded books?

All your purchased/downloaded books will be displayed on ‘my books’ which will be open when you click ‘my books’ button on right side of the screen.

How can I subscribe?

You can select a book, and on the displayed pop-up, there will be an option for you to choose ‘subscribe for 3 months’, once you subscribe you will be able download any number of books. But do ensure you have enough disk space; else you may have to delete some stories, that you can always restore and make space for new stories.

I can’t see my books on the new device?
Try restoring your purchases by choosing ‘restore purchases’ on the home page of the app. You will be required to provide login details after which you should be able to see all the books previously purchased for download in ‘my books’ section of the App.
If you have more queries you can email us at
What is Gold Coin Album?

When you read the full storybook from the section ‘Read and Learn’ for the first time, you earn coins that you can keep collecting. To see how many coins you have collected and to look through your album, tap on the ‘Gold Coin Album’ bogie on the homepage of the App.

Whom do I contact for more queries?

If you have more queries you can email us at

Will I be notified on updates or new books?

Yes, every time we launch a new book or make upgrades you will receive a notification on your device.